[dDOS part 1] Introduction to dDOS
So for a while I have wanted to focus on cyber/computer security from the attackers perspective and how to implement certain types of attacks. This first guide will focus on dDOS attack, the theory behind, a stupid attack implementation and a smarter way of executing an attack.
Now for reasons which should be obvious, I will have to state that these guides are purely for academic and informative purposes and the techniques presented can/will results in lawsuits against you and your associates if used outside the law. I hold no responsibility for your usage of the knowledge, that you obtain through these guides and associated source code.
Distributed Denial of Service Attack (dDOS)
So first let us start with the base a attack a denial of service attack (DOS), what we want to achieve is to ensure that no data can be transmitted from a server serving a service and essentially also blocking data from being transmitted to that server, though the later is not the main goal.
So how can we achieve what we want? If we start by looking at the channels of the internet as sucking straws, only a limited amount of water molecules can run through the straw at a time. The same goes for data packets, what we send through the network, only a limited amount of data packets can be handle by the channels at a time. Remember, this is from a very abstract perspective, though illustrative.
So what happens if we force more water into the straw than it can handle, it overflows, thus blogging the entrance of water which should go into the straw. Now the approach of a DOS attack is the same, we overflow the network channel with so many data packets, that not all can parse through and we attempt to make it our packages which goes through the channel such that “real” data packets does not. Thereby, we block the access to the services, as shown in figure 2. Thus our packets overflow the network such that “normal packets” cannot reach their destination.
This is the essence of a DOS attack and also a distributed denial of service (dDOS) attack.
So the first d the distributed part when does this come into play? Well in the old days of the internet and other large public networks could a single machine or node of machines be used to take down a service. However, as servers became more powerful and new defence techniques was invented and used, it became increasingly difficult to execute a successful DOS attack. So how do we overcome these obstacles? Well we increase our resource, we do this by utilise multiple machines and nodes of machines locate anywhere in the world. This increase how many data packets we can “throw” at the server we want to deny access to, as shown in figure 3.
Thus achieving the same result as a DOS attack, just with multiple collaborating attackers. Here we see machines as individual attackers. Thus, assuming all our attackers have the same resources available, same network bandwidth, and is configured in the same way. We can assume a linear increase in data packets, we can throw at the server, with each added attacker machine.
This is a very abstract view on the theory behind a dDOS attack and how it is execute. The next step will be to implement a program which can actually perform such an attack. This will be the next part of the these guides.
Hope you enjoyed this basic introduction to dDOS.
-Lars Nielsen
Time for spring cleaning
Hello and well meet.
For quite a while this blog have been in shambles similar to those of Alderaan and it has not been something I am proud off. Therefore I have decided to remove all the old post and restart the blog, add a few sub-pages, and more. Now do not fear for the old content, some of it will return in a revised form.
Also on Friday I will have my Master thesis defence and after that I should have some more time for the blog.
-Lars Nielsen
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